Software Radio Enabled Weapon Data Link (SWR WDL)​
The Software Radio Weapon Data Link is highly agile and readily adaptable to a variety of current and future weapons. It has greatly reduced Size, Weight and Power (SWAP) and cost compared with current systems by employing Software Radio (SWR) technology. This approach eliminates the Custom Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) design for the signal processing code and replaces it with flexible and easy to develop C++ signal processing code running in a COTS General Purpose Processor (GPP). This enables significantly improved weapon waveform development / modification cost and schedule, integration, unparalleled threat responsiveness, and elimination of vendor lock between Waveform and Hardware.
GALT’s Software Radio for Weapons is a modern, Open Agile Weapons Data Link that will be able to be placed in munitions across the joint arena. This solution will be an improved software radio paired with ruggedized hardware and AI supported network to provide weapon to weapon; weapon to sensor; weapon to shooter; as well as backhaul for weapons to C2 nodes for follow-on targeting.

The Low SWaP SWR, not to confused with Software Defined Radio (SDR), with waveforms and WDL hardware right-sized for Weapons Employment and provides:
Unlock Waveform Selection from WDL HW System Selection (Supplier) through an Open Agile and Digital: Open Architecture Focused – WOSA, SOSA, WOCA and MOSA complaint solution
Rapid Waveform Development / Hosting (weeks vs years) of New and Modified waveforms
Rapidly configurable, multi-waveform, system out of single radio and antennas
LPI/LPD – derived from ability to move between different waveforms as environment dictates
Reachback Beyond Line of Sight compatible
Enhanced and flexible Line of Sight – connectivity to achieve Networked Weapons capability
Ease of adapting to existing weapon platforms: Purpose built, low-SWaP interfaces that are easily adaptable to joint platforms and standards
Commonality and not vendor locked solutions – ultimate desire is for a “Rosetta Stone” approach to connect differing networks of sensors and weapons
Network solution pairs well with Net-Enabled-Weapon and especially with Next Generation Cruise Missile, Maritime Strike, Hypersonic, and Counter-Hypersonic munitions
Cyber Security and Data Assurance is critical through weapons impact and rapid software waveform modification allows rapidly counter evolving wartime threats