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GALT Leadership

John Kohut

Chairman of the Board

John served as an F-14 Naval Flight Officer, flight test officer and acquisition professional during his 27-year Naval career. He was a member of the pre-EMD Advanced Tactical Fighter (now F-22A) program team, led advanced development for the Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM), and was Navy Program Manager for the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) program during operational test and initial fielding.


Capping his illustrious Navy career, John served as the third Program Manager for the Tactical Links International Program Office that moved the Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS) into production and worldwide fielding and initiated the MIDS Joint Tactical Radio System (MIDS-JTRS) that is the only successful JTRS radio for tactical aircraft.

Retiring from the Navy in 2004, John joined Raytheon Missile Systems leading development of the space exploration architecture for NASA under the CONSTELLATION program, as well as supporting missile defense and commercial space projects. He subsequently became a serial entrepreneur co-founding Astrobotic Technology Inc. (space robotics), Planetary Power, Inc. (advanced solar power), and Orison (distributed energy storage).

John has over 2,800 hours in the F-14 Tomcat, 320 carrier landings, and has flown over 29 aircraft types. He graduated from the University of Connecticut (BS Mechanical Engineering) and the Florida Institute of Technology (MS Computer Science). Military schools include the Navy Fighter Weapons School (TOPGUN), Naval Test Pilot School and Defense Acquisition University (Program Managers’ Course and Executive PM course). He is designated as a Level III defense program manager.

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